What happens in Vegas | Coeur d’alene Boudoir Photographer

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This week I had the opportunity to get away for a couple days and go to Las Vegas! While I was there, I attended a shoot led by Teri Hofford of THP Studios. Teri is a photographer I have followed for quite some time and I have always admired her work and the message behind her work. My “why” for what I do has always been in line with self- acceptance, self-love, and self- empowerment, and that fit right in with her message as well. When I saw she was offering spots for this shoot during WPPI, I had to get in on it! It just so happened to be the day after mine and my husbands anniversary (hello 10 years!!).. So I asked him if he wanted to go on a little adventure with me to Vegas so we could celebrate our anniversary AND attend this shoot. Naturally he said yes hehe.

I needed this shoot. At some point, every artist gets in a rut. A time where they feel like they have hit a creative wall. I’m not going to lie, all of January had been feeling like one giant creative rut. Maybe it was the lack of vitamin D from having no sunshine here in the PNW. Maybe it was moving into a new studio with tons of ideas and then having no creative reign in the space. Maybe it was simply because I fell into a routine and didn’t push myself creatively. I have a good feeling it was a little bit of all of the above lol! But then I came across a quote that talked about how we may not have control over the things that are happening in our lives, but we definitely have control over how we react, and ultimately we have more say in our outcome than we think. That made me take a deep look at the problems I was having. I realized that ultimately if I’m feeling like things are holding me back creatively, it was really on me. I was truly the only thing holding myself back from flourishing. I couldn’t change the problems I was having with my studio, but I could change my outlook and get creative. I couldn’t change the weather- but I could escape it for a moment! And I could definitely change my routine and push myself outside of my comfort zone. So I decided to no longer be in this rut and I booked a spot for the shoot out and booked our airline tickets. I took back control over these feelings that were seriously dragging me down!

At the shoot, we all had time to work and pose each model to get the shots we wanted. These photos are my interpretation of the shoot! I hope you enjoy them. I know I truly do! They represent so much to me, but most importantly they say “Amber got her groove back”!


Amber Tyler










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