Miss M | Hello Beautiful | Spokane Boudoir Photographer

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Michelle was one of the first women to apply for my model call this past Spring. She has been one of my most devoted fans on social media, and after reading her story I knew that she needed to do this shoot. In her entry email she talked about something that sadly a lot of women face: struggling with self esteem and having it directly effect the feeling of self worth. Not loving yourself.

I know at one point or another, we as women have all felt this way. Even the most confident at times feel unsure of themselves or feel uncomfortable in their own skin. It happens! It’s how we deal with it that has the potential to change our lives though. It is so easy to go the negative route and believe the lies you tell yourself. I mean I know for me one negative thought soon turns into a hundred more negative thoughts because in the moment it just makes sense! Surely because I can’t lose this weight I must be ugly and doomed to this body forever, right? I have stretch marks therefore I must cover them up and never wear lingerie again because they make me look ugly, right? If I were to actually say these things out loud to someone else they would say “no it’s not like that at all, you’re crazy!”. But that’s the reality of how our minds work. We go extreme. We go all out when it comes to how we view ourselves.

Let’s flip the situation a little and instead of saying these things to yourself, you say them to another woman. Not just any other woman, your friend, sister, or mother. Someone you really care about. Would you ever say those things to someone you love? If you said yes, then you might have more to worry about than just outward appearance girl! But I’m sure the majority of you would say no. Stop saying these things to yourself! Self love stops when you decide to no longer talk about yourself so badly.

Here is what Michelle had to say about her boudoir experience!

“Amber is not only a PHENOMENAL photographer, but she has an intensely radiant personality. I was so nervous, so hesitant to do the shoot that I was pretty much guaranteeing myself that I would not like any of the images. Even with an alarmingly negative mindset, the experience was just amazing.

Terri, her makeup artist, is so much fun and SO relaxing. Between these two stunning ladies, I felt rather plain from the get go……but by the end? I felt just as beautiful as they both are! Their playful manner made me relax so quickly and it soon felt like we were three old friends. I cannot stress how soothing they both were.

I was scared about my own doubt about my body. I watched both ladies carefully for signs of veiled judgement…and saw none. They saw me for who I am, not what my body looks like. Which, by the way, the pictures turned out AMAZING! Instead of walking away with NO pictures I liked, I loved each and every one of them. With the very first sneak peek that Amber shared with me, my whole view of myself changed. This experience changed my life, no joke. It made me see myself as the woman my husband sees. It, to this day – months later – makes me still feel attractive, confident, beautiful and wholly special.

I will most DEFINITELY be using Amber in the future. She is just marvelous.”

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