Boudoir Confessions | Spokane Boudoir Photographer

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Let’s be real here… The most common reasons I hear from a potential client about why they aren’t booking a boudoir shoot right now come down to these two categories:

It’s not a priority right now, or more commonly known as “I can’t afford this right now”. This reason is completely understandable. You have to prioritize where your money is spent! And when you want it bad enough, you find a way!  Other than offering payment plans, this reason isn’t something I can personally help you with.

The second category is fear, or more commonly known as “I still need to lose weight”, or “I don’t want to be judged”, or the worst- “I’m afraid that all of the horrible things I think about myself will be true”. I know that we tend to be constantly looking around us at examples of what we “should” look like, and most of the time we fall short of that. This makes us believe there must be something wrong with us and that we are flawed. This way of thinking is so far from truth though. The feedback that I get the most from my clients is that they walked in a little scared, unsure if they will like what they see afterwards, and leave knowing the truth about themselves. That the nasty things they say about themselves aren’t true.

We make a point to not transform you into something you could never achieve on the daily. It’s important to me that what we do in the studio is to enhance the beauty that is already there. I wouldn’t be doing a very good job if your photos end up not looking like you. The change that happens in the studio is completely within. So if fear is your reason, I say bring it! It’s ok to be scared. Just know that you will leave the studio with less fear and more confidence. This will be a start to finding the intimate, daring, and beautiful woman that you are.




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