Facing Fear

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She was honest. She told me during hair and makeup that she had thought about cancelling the morning of her shoot because fear had set in. She wanted to come up with any excuse to not show up but her husband convinced her otherwise. Let me tell you, when your significant other understands the importance of this- not for themselves but for you- they get it. They see and understand that you are lacking something. That you need to do something for you to help light that fire within again. That is such a good quality to have in a spouse, to be able to see outside of themselves and see the purpose behind it. That it’s more than a photoshoot.

Anyway, back to my story. She didn’t cancel. She came in, still afraid, but watched as that fear melted away and was replaced with laughter and confidence. Over the past 6 months or so, I have adopted this idea that if it scares me- I should definitely give it a try. Now I am not talking about the “fearing for my life” kind of fear.. I mean the fear that tells me it won’t work, or that I am not good enough. The fear that keeps me in my comfort zone, when I know I have to step out in order to grow. That kind of fear. That is the kind of fear Kaydi was having, and I am so glad she pushed past that and did it anyway! I have enjoyed watching Kaydi’s journey since her shoot. The shoot gave her a newfound confidence and helped her realize that all of those big, scary goals she had really aren’t that far away.

Here is what Kaydi had to say about her boudoir experience!:

“Doing a boudoir shoot with Amber was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time! I signed up for it even though I was really nervous and super self conscious. I am a mom of two, and my body has morphed from slender and tight to curvy and a bit fluffy. It has been something I’ve really struggled with because I had my oldest when I was 19, so I never really felt like I got to prance around my “bangin” body before I was covered in stretch marks. As years went on, I grew to appreciate my mom body, and then I had my son 2 years ago. I haven’t been able to drop the weight (hello getting older, goodbye 19 year old metabolism) and I’ve beat myself up over it since he was born. I took the plunge for the boudoir shoot because I’ve never been one to let my negative thoughts get the better of me, but this time they were. I schedule my shoot hoping it would force me to appreciate the body that gave life to my kids, even if it wasn’t the body I loved. Let me tell you, my shoot blew me away and I don’t even know the girl who thought those things about herself anymore! I was nervous and wanted to chicken out the day of but thank goodness I didn’t, because I spend my spare time drooling over my photos (is that weird…? Probably!) and so does my husband. It lit the fire in me that fizzled out two years ago. It got me motivated to lose my baby weight and go back for another shoot once I accomplish my goal. But most importantly, it brought me peace and appreciation. I can see the beauty in this body that made me a mom and I can appreciate all those stretch marks and the curves I gained from becoming a mom. Amber was so warm and kind and made all my fears fly out the window as soon as I walked in the door. Her hair and makeup artist rooted me on the entire time and made is fun and relaxing while prancing around in things I wouldn’t have dared to put on otherwise. Go book a shoot with Amber, you won’t regret it, I promise!”


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